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Community Church of God

Community Church of God can be found at the following address:

790 S Carlin Springs Rd

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(703) 671-6726

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Pastor Jonathan Rider has been the senior pastor of First Church of the Nazarene. Along with his help mate Sharla and their three daughters they have shepherd this flock for 8 years. Pastor Rider feels that the strength of the Nazarene movement has been their emphasis on mercy ministries. As for this local expression, he would like to focus on issues related to substance abuse, biblical view of finances, and the biblical view of relationships. They would love to have you drop by and see what going on at this intimate and faithful congregation. A great opportunity is the HOPE IN KENYA, AFRICA! On Saturday, June 6th 6PM-8PM. “This evening will be an opportunity to hear a message of hope in Africa. Dr. Rev Rod Reed, his wife Sarah and family will be sharing God’s Good News! Rod serves as the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs (Academic Dean) of Africa Nazarene University in Nairobi Kenya. Sarah serves as children ministry coordinator across East Africa. There will be a time to pray with the Reed’s, financially support their ministry and ask questions". First Church of the Nazarene is located at 2013 21st Street North, Arlington, VA 22201. Their phone number is (703) 525-2516.


WE HAVE A WEBSITE, WE HAVE ENTERED THE 21TH CENTURY. Check it out at and then share.


THE TWO LONGEST MINUTES OF YOUR LIFE (recap of my message from May 3rd) "Dear friend, don’t let this bad example influence you. Follow only what is good. Remember that those who do good prove that they are God’s children, and those who do evil prove that they do not know God" (3 John 11 NLT). Gauis stood at a crossroads. His simple ministry of hospitality seemed to pail compared to the more flashy ministry of the self promoter, Diotrophes. But The Elder praised this simple Christian and condemned the Self Absorbed of ". . those who do evil [and] prove that they do not know God" (3 John 11 NLT). A simple act done for God is more valuable than any selfish act no matter how spectacular.


Sunday, April 26th was a blessed day of ministry. After the service, I with the prayer team went to Edgehill Community Church of God (Dover, DE) to hold a prayer service. What a blessing sharing with that faithful group of saints. The Holy Spirit was moving.


Prayer as a Ministry Lifestyle My doctor has told me that I am in good health but warned me I have some issues looming on the horizon. Now this may surprise you (it did me) but he does not want me to focus on losing weight. He wants me to focus on changing my lifestyle. As such he wants me to change how I approach all activities and facets of my life. The Holy Spirit, through James, talks about prayer as a lifestyle. This is not to be an action to achieve immediate results but a long and consistent process. I have been the senior pastor of Community Church or God since 2002 and prior to that I was the Interim Pastor from 1998 until 2002 and prior to that I was Associate Pastor from 1996 until 1998. So in these 19 years, I have made prayer our major priority. Probably I have done this because as a small church, I realize there is never enough resources, or money, or people to do what needs to be done. While I can not think of any of the wonderful things we accomplished that is directly tied to prayer, I do not believe we would have achieve anything with the presence of persistent prayer.


This Saturday, April 25th is our Food Pantry Distribution Sunday. We enjoy this and it serves as our main outreach to the community. We give away groceries beginning at 3 PM, but hold a worship & service and serve lunch beginning at 1 PM. This month will be a little cool (high of 61) but beginning in May (last Saturday of the month) we would love to move outdoors with our ministry. That means we would have greater viability to the community. We would love to minister to the children, preach the gospel, have music, and prayer to this unreach group of people. But there is one catch, we don't have the volunteers. I would love to hear from someone who would like to help with this ministry. Looking for at least 5 young adults, children and teens welcome as well. Only remember we are resource poor, so please help here as well.


On the One Year Anniversary of Kidnapping of 276 Girls from Nigeria It been one year since 276 Christian girls were kidnapped and apparently sold into sex slavery by “Islamic Extremist”. This has led me to think deeply on this issue of "Militant Islam". Now I wish to acknowledge these were extremist and unlike many of the fair and kind Muslims I know. I will never forget a young Muslim woman, who the year before had made her Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca), giving me a Christmas card and wishing me a Merry Christmas. She explain that her home community was approximately half Muslim and half Christians. It was their custom to give Christmas Cards to their Christian friends who would give them Ramadan Cards in return. But the so called “Moderate Muslims” can not get by just with condemning the attacks like those by Boko Haram, ISIS, etc. but must reach out and try to root out all discriminatory practices in the “Moderate Muslim” world. They need to demand that freedom of religion be practiced in it true sense. Moderate Mosques and Mullahs need to not only condemn violence but also demand an end to discriminatory practices of so called moderate Muslims: the unfair taxing of Christians, the refusal of allowing them full citizenship, the refusal of letting Christian to openly worship in all parts of the Muslim world (including Medina and Mecca), recognize converts to Christianity as legitimate, and they must demand the removal of all blasphemy laws. Until they are willing to combat the worst of the best, don't expect anyone to believe that all Muslims are not just “Militant Muslims” without the guts to act. On my part as a “Militant Christian” I will share Christ with all whenever I get a chance. I will pray for their conversion, but also for their health and blessing. I will feed their families when they are hungry, visit them in prison when they are captive, clothe them when they are naked and welcome the “stranger” to my neighborhood, to my church, and to my home. I will pray for the victims and perpetrators of violence. Above all else, I will pray that there is no violent reaction from the followers of Christ. Next Ramadan, I will pass out Ramadan cards. Your servant in Christ, Pastor Dale Dawson Senior Pastor Community Church of God.


This morning I awakened by a phone call from a mentally ill church member at 6:30 AM. While the alarm was set for 7 AM and therefore I only lost a half an hour sleep, it still irritated me. On this Maundy Thursday, I began to think of Jesus last day before the cross. He shared a meal with his friends, wrapped a towel around his waiste, then wash the feet of his friends, left to a lonely hillside to pray (while they slept), then was betrayed with an embrace and kiss by one of those closest to him. In perspective, my awakening was not so serious an offense to dwell on. After all I could be the one on the other end of the phone lost in the fog of mental illness. Today I will pray for her and others who suffer from Behavioral Health illness.


Lord's Supper, Communion, Foot Wasing (Optional). This Thursday we will celebrate Holy Thursday with a meal of roasted lamb and other foods the disciples enjoyed at the Last Supper, we will close the meal with communion (open to all who have expressed faith in Jesus Christ), then seperate into groups of men and women and wash one another feet. This is optional as many are not comfortable doing this wonderful ordance. Everyone is invited - Community Church of God, 790 S. Carlin Springs Road, Arlington, VA 22204, [email protected], (703) 671-6726.


Cherrydale Food Drive: Time and time again Cherrydale Baptist comes through for us. A special thank you to them for the wonderful canned and dry goods. Also thanks to Shirley Carter for helping to unload, for Mae Stilley for keep the pantry in good order, for Joel for all his wonderful work with ABB, for Carrie for putting up with Joel.


God Sets Her Members each in Place, According To His Will* In September of 2014, the local pastors prayer group announced that the pastor of the largest church in Northern Virginia was going to visit our prayer group next week to share with us something God had put on his heart. The place was crowded and since I was late, I decided to sit in the far corner where a comfortable, over-stuffed chair was located allowing me to clearly see and hear this famous pastor. During his sharing about how he wished to make prayer, specifically cooperative prayer among churches a priority, a regular member of our prayer group spoke up and shared his concern of which I agreed with, but was surprised as to how he phrased it. He said "Pastor, yes we need to come together for prayer, but what is really needed is that our churches become more like Pastor Dawson church". Now the first time he said it, I felt a sense of pride, but he didn't stop. If he said that they needed to be like Pastor Dawson's church once he said it 10 times. Frankly I was a little embarrassed! To make matters worse, the brother had pointed in my general direction, but not directly at me, so when the famous preacher responded he pointed to another pastor in the general direction. Someone interrupted him and said, "that not Pastor Dawson, that is Pastor Bob. Then the entire room turned and pointed to the chubby preacher in the corner (me). What could a pastor of a church of 35 teach a pastor of 10,000? Second what had I learned about myself from this unique moment in my ministry? In Luke 19 three servant who were given 10 talent, 5 talents, and 1 talent respectively. Most pastors are probably like me - 1 talent pastors (I always find it interesting that the average person is average). Luke 19: 26 says ". . . to those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away". I thought that being faithful with my one talent meant [and for others it might] that I would develop into a 5 or 10 talent pastor. To me it simply meant that I would become better with my one talent. I struggle with many of the more glamorous talents and had always wished I was better at my calling. Yet, I do find my one talent a joy. I go to bed thinking of those who have been blessed with it, and I wake up thinking how can I use it to better to serve my savior. I am content. In a parallel passage Matthew 25:14 tells us that God was ". . . dividing it [his resources/gifts] in proportion to [His ministers] abilities". It is God's gift, I am only its steward (either a good one or a bad one). It humbles me to think that the Holy Spirit equipped me uniquely to do my one talent/gift better than others. He has allowed me to minister to people who no one else can reach. Finally the scariest thought, that without my faithfulness in this area the Kingdom will suffer. So what else did I learn at that prayer meeting. I learned I had the same incorrect view of God that the unfaithful servant had. Luke19:21 states it this way: "'I was afraid because you are a hard [God] to deal with, taking what isn’t yours and harvesting crops you didn't plant.'' Why did I become uncomfortable when I heard my name mentioned over and over? Why did I slump in my seat when everyone in the room pointed at me? It was because I failed to see this as part of God's plan. I had taken credit for the gift God gave me and not acknowledge God. Further, I still had the seeds of covetousness in wanting the "more important" gifts possessed by other men and women of God. I am learning (but not yet learned) to give God praise for what he has given me, I am striving to develop it full aspects, I am repenting for coveting the gifts of other faithful servants, and I am trying to encourage other to see their seemly "less sexy" gifts as amazing blessings from God. There is no shame in doing a simple, but necessary task, well. *"O Church of God" found in Worship the Lord: Hymnal of the Church of God, no. 289


Please share: Pastor Josiah Thuku Kambutu and I met with and prayed for Pastor Tariq Janed. I asked him, "how might Arlington Bridge Builders help his Urdu/Hindi language church?" His response "I won't compromise the Gospel". While I am not sure why he answered in that way - the statement "I won't compromise the Gospel" is the right answer to any question. Pastor Tariq is the pastor of the Urdu/Hindi Christian Fellowship meeting at 3 PM on Sunday at First Presbyterian Church, 7610 New Castle Drive, Annandale, Virginia. The church's number is (703) 941-3300.


Facebook vs Face to Face Facebook is wonderful and very useful. It allows me to see wonderful pictures of my friends grandchildren and my grand nieces and nephews. It reminds me of birthdays I am sure I would forget. It announces events of all sorts. But I hope we never lose the power of ministry of Face to Face conversations. When my wife was hospitalized for two months for mental illness and I thought I had lost her to the fog of her mind own creation - my Facebook friends were there and I appreciate them. But it only cost them a few key strokes. I remember Deacon Bob and Brother Joel sitting with me and having prayer with me after I visited her (I could only stand 1 hour of visiting her which seemed like forever, followed by 1 hours of praying for her which seemed never enough). I remember Holly and Arlington Frontline young adult group bring me lunch. I remember Emmanuel and Pastor Whye driving one hour to take me out to lunch. These are debts I can not repay, so I pay them forward. So it was no problem traveling over 5 hours (round trip) to Edgehill Community Church of God to pray with them. As God gives me strength, financial ability, and our health allows - I will do the thing so few seem unwilling to do - look into the eyes of faithful men and women, and say you are not alone.


Yesterday; although it snowed, sleeted, and rained all day - it was a beautiful first day of spring .We picked up 24 - 1/2 gallon bottles of orange juice, 560 lbs of meat, 200 lbs of grapes, 229 lbs of dry and canned goods. Soaked to the bone, cold, and soar - it so wonderful to know hungry people will have a blessing.


I am scared to death! Tomorrow is our food distribution day. I do not know if we will have 35 families or 75 families. I do not know if we will have an army of experienced volunteers or one great, grandfather and one obese pastor (me - who by the way had to be with his wife for 3-4 hours twice a day in outpatient treatment all this week and now I am absolutely worn out) to serve. I do not know how or if we will get the money to pay for the 50,000 lbs of food we give away each year. But we live and operate by [little] faith. My prayer: "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief". But I know I will share a meal and share the gospel with anyone who will sit down with us - I will send them with groceries and [hopefully] faith to feed them and their families for a week or so. We will do this until our health fails, we bankrupt the church, or the Lord comes - because this is what he has called us to do! For those who love us and find this confusing, understand we can do nothing else.


This Saturday is our monthly food distribution. We serve ministries and churches on other weeks, but this is open to the public. I have always found it interesting that we get an average of 50 individuals who come, but few will come the next day to our worship service (average 27 individuals). They arrive early, they are mostly the same people, we share a meal, they receive prayers, they hear a gospel message. God has shown me that they do not come the next day because the Saturday Distribution is ther church and I am their pastor. GOD I REPENT! From now on I will try to relate to them as their pastor, get to know them better, and serve them as Christ would serve them.


To better love my wife (Ephesians 5:25) I preach only once a month. I thank Pastor Frank Green for shouldering this responsibility. But this is MY WEEK TO PREACH. I invite all to come and hear me proclaim the message "Waiting: Making Sure the Horse is Before the Cart" based on Acts 1: 4-5 and Acts 1: 20-26.


Sometimes in this business you can have wonderful fun. Here am I in the middle with Emilio of Jesus El Buen Pastor and Pastor Mike Kernodle of Lyon Park Fellowship on the other side. We are having a small and informal service for our "Joy to the World" Christmas Celebration. Also in the house were Pastor Jayron Madrid of Jesus El Buen Pastor, Pastor Josiah Thuku Kambutu of House of Fellowship Church of God, Kevin,Joel White and his sons from Cherrydale Baptist, and members of Washington Mongolian Church.


Please share with everyone: The Food Pantry Distribution at Community Church of God will be this Saturday at 3 PM. The "Joy to the World" Christmas Celebration will be at Lyon Park Fellowship 716 N. Barton Street, Arlington, at 6 PM on Saturday. Community Church of God will do a special program on Sunday at 11:15 AM. There will be special music, skits, liturgical dancing, etc.


5th Sunday at Community Church is Prayer and Testimony Sunday. Texts are 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Luke 11: 1 - Message "Teach Us to Pray"


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